Building the
Future of Recovery

Designing and Building Holistic Wellness Centers, Ensuring Comprehensive Care Solutions for Communities

A group of people standing in front of a sign.
A green and yellow background with a white border.


To assist our tribal partners and other treatment providers in the design and implementation of integrated care clinics by breaking down barriers and focusing on the individual needs of the patients.


To give our clients the proper tools to guide their patients to a successful life of recovery from substance use, focusing on the whole person and the necessary resources to achieve their goals.

A road that has the words 2 0 2 3 and 2 0 2 4 written on it.
A green and white background with a wave

Helping You Build World-Class Wellness Centers

At Dawn Lee Consulting, we specialize in designing, building, and training for world-class wellness facilities. Our mission is to empower communities to embrace recovery services and foster a culture of well-being. With a comprehensive range of services, we guide those who provide holistic wellness solutions through every step of the process, from initial conception to ongoing operations. Our services include:

Application Completion

We handle all paperwork, including applications to regulatory bodies such as the Department of Health (DOH), Board of Pharmacy, DEA, SAMHSA, IHS, and Tribal Attestation.

Policy and Procedure Development

Comprehensive policies and procedures are essential for smooth operations. We assist in creating tailored protocols for all services offered.

Community Education

We organize and conduct community meetings to educate and raise awareness about recovery services, fostering understanding and support within the community.

Technical Assistance

From software and hardware setup to integration with existing programs, we provide technical support to ensure seamless operations.

Staffing Support

Our services encompass the development of hiring timelines, the creation of job descriptions, and training for staff to meet state and federal licensing requirements.

Ongoing Training

Continuous learning is the key to success. We offer ongoing training programs to keep your team up-to-date on the latest practices and regulations.

Construction Management

As operations consultants, we oversee the construction process, ensuring that your facility meets all regulatory standards and operational needs.

Third-Party Billing Services

We offer third-party billing services to streamline revenue management and maximize reimbursements.

For more information, please visit

A woman is talking to another person in front of a mirror.
A group of people are posting sticky notes on the wall.
A pole with four different signs on it

Supporting You at Every Step

At Dawn Lee Consulting, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way on your journey to establishing a holistic wellness center. See our current projects to learn more about how we have been helping our holistic wellness solution providers realize their vision for wellness in their community.